Hollaback! App

Hollaback! is an application allowing victims and witnesses to share stories about street harassment. Developed in 2014 after a first version in 2010, the sharing process is meant to be very simple and quick. Users localize and categorize their story and can then choose to tell details about what happened. NYC citizens can also choose to share their story with the NYC Council.

An additional option is available for the user : the possibility to view all their stories on a map and share it.

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Victims can share their stories and map, and find support from other users of the application (or even users from the platform they shared their map on).


The interface is a bit outdated and the colours of the map in background sometime not very readable. The map always open on NYC. Most of the data are at least one year old. Data could also be used in a bad way.

The application is available on the iTunes Store or Google Play. More informations here : https://www.ihollaback.org/get-app/

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